January 13, 2008

Thank You For Being My Friend Award

Ariel gave Karl this award

We gave it to everybody:
So - if you are a blogging animal and have been visited by us - we give you this award. Just take it - display it - and say The Cat Realm gave it to you!

January 11, 2008

You Make My Day Award

Catnip Corner gave us this award.
This award is presented to bloggers whose blog brings you happiness and inspiration and makes you feel happy about Blogland.

We gave it to everybody:
So - if you are a blogging animal and have been visited by us - we give you this award. Just take it - display it - and say The Cat Realm gave it to you!

January 5, 2008

A Jewel In The Crown Award

This award was given to Anastasia by Yao-Lin,
because she shone brighter than most during her too short time in this world."

He created this award for the sole purpose of recognizing those bloggers who are, quite literally, gems!
She sure was a gem and we miss her every day! Thank you Yao-Lin for remembering and honoring her!!!

January 1, 2008

So Special Award

Jimmy Joe gave us this award.

We gave it to

Ruis, Karl's boyfriend. He is the most special cat of all and the best boyfriends a cat can have! He is caring and loving, multi-talented and beautiful, and always humble about it!
Sassy. With her idea of CCSI she started one of the most amazing endeavors the cat blogosphere has seen so far! It takes a very special cat to come up with an idea like that and then MAKE IT WORK!
Opus and Roscoe. They moved to Italy so their human servant wouldn't feel lonely, they organize raffles to help others and they are the backbone of CCSI, writing, acting, co-producing and graphic-designing.