July 16, 2008

Photography Maven Award For Emil

Miss Peach gave Emil this award:

:"...I would like the honor of giving this award to Emil for his talent that he amazed us with while he was a part of our world. Now in heaven, this will look very good on his resume!"

July 2, 2008

You Make my Day Award

Castle wrote: "...I think that Storm would have passed this award on to every single cat, creature and human that came by to wish her well on her final journey, and I would like to pass this on to all who have since visited us to make sure me and my meowmies are OK...so we pass this on to all of you!" Thank you Castle, we humbly accept this in honor of the wonderful Furry Fighter Storm - we will never forget you and always love you!

May 8, 2008

Another Party Memento!

The J Family gave us this plaque for coming to their surprise party.

May 5, 2008

Party Survival Badge...

We got honored with this badge for surviving KC and Missy's party.

May 1, 2008

April 24, 2008

Criz gave us this nice award.

April 15, 2008

First Blogoversary Badge

Zoolatry made this beautiful badge for us.

April 10, 2008

Heart Of Gold Award

Chairman Mao and Skeeter, LC and Ayla gave The Cat Realm
this award.

Mike gave it to Mrs. OZ.

We gave it to Miral.

March 28, 2008

Zoolatry's A+ Award

Zoolatry dedicated their post today to us!
And gave us Zoolatry's A+ Cat Blog Award.

March 17, 2008

Totally Hip Blogger Award

Charlie presented Karl with the TOTALLY HIP BLOGGER AWARD!
And in May we also got it from wildcatsthree.

I passed it on to

March 13, 2008

Wonderful Site Award

wildcatsthree presented us with the "Wonderful Site Award".

We gave it to the Cat Blogopshere.

March 10, 2008

You Are Toadally Awesome Award

Gretchen gave us and Brody and Dicky Duck the "You Are Toadally Awesome Award".

February 27, 2008

aCATemy Award

Skeezix gave me and everybody else at CCSI an aCATemy Award!!!!

February 24, 2008

Cat Blog Friendship Award

Momo gave me the "Cat Blog Friendship Award".

February 19, 2008

Winning Attitude Award

wildcatsthree at their Living Well blog gave us the "Winning Attitude Award"!

We gave it to Moki and the Meezers.

February 18, 2008

Funky Blog Award

Charlie gave the "Funky Blog Award" to Ruis and me!
Momo gave it to Karl!!!

February 11, 2008

Golden Paw Award

My wonderful fiance Ruis, the sweetest cat in the universe, created this award, using his OWN PAW to make it!
And he gave the two very first Golden Paw's to our special girlfriend Sassy and me and my maid!
We received it again on March 11 from
The Meaouwy Troops.

I passed it on to:

Tyler, who not only lent us a special helping paw but actually had green papers in that paw for the animal communicator, so that we could have some kind of closure to Anastasia's death.
Benjamin Fuzz's Mom - who sent me two pages of instructions for Mr. Linky when I was just starting to blog and didn't know how to incorporate him into my blog.

On March 10 we passed it on again because our post was hijacked by pop-up advertisements - we couldn't even get to it anymore!!!
My fiance
Ruis came to the help right away, looking through all the script on my blog, trying to find the flaw! The Cat Blogopshere posted it and Robyn from Hot(m)BC and ML from Missy, KC and Bear rushed to the rescue also.
For their efforts I want to give them all the Golden Paw Award, the least I can do!

February 9, 2008

The Warm and Caring Award

"Da award goez to kitteez who go da extra stretch to be a warm & carin’ kitty to der momee & dadee & to otherz."

Wildcats 3 gave all of us at The Cat Realm and our typist this award.

February 7, 2008

Friend of a Woofie Award

Camies Kitties gave Karl this award for starting the
NOMSS Friend Challenge.

I gave this award to
Tazo and Earl Grey, who share their home with wonderful dog Titus,
Sassy, who just became the nomss friend of Asta the dog,
and my fiance Ruis who shares his home with two dogs, Taylor and Buzzer!

February 3, 2008

Deepest Sleeping Award

Gattina made an award for cats who sleep a lot

We graciously accepted it

January 13, 2008

Thank You For Being My Friend Award

Ariel gave Karl this award

We gave it to everybody:
So - if you are a blogging animal and have been visited by us - we give you this award. Just take it - display it - and say The Cat Realm gave it to you!

January 11, 2008

You Make My Day Award

Catnip Corner gave us this award.
This award is presented to bloggers whose blog brings you happiness and inspiration and makes you feel happy about Blogland.

We gave it to everybody:
So - if you are a blogging animal and have been visited by us - we give you this award. Just take it - display it - and say The Cat Realm gave it to you!

January 5, 2008

A Jewel In The Crown Award

This award was given to Anastasia by Yao-Lin,
because she shone brighter than most during her too short time in this world."

He created this award for the sole purpose of recognizing those bloggers who are, quite literally, gems!
She sure was a gem and we miss her every day! Thank you Yao-Lin for remembering and honoring her!!!

January 1, 2008

So Special Award

Jimmy Joe gave us this award.

We gave it to

Ruis, Karl's boyfriend. He is the most special cat of all and the best boyfriends a cat can have! He is caring and loving, multi-talented and beautiful, and always humble about it!
Sassy. With her idea of CCSI she started one of the most amazing endeavors the cat blogosphere has seen so far! It takes a very special cat to come up with an idea like that and then MAKE IT WORK!
Opus and Roscoe. They moved to Italy so their human servant wouldn't feel lonely, they organize raffles to help others and they are the backbone of CCSI, writing, acting, co-producing and graphic-designing.